Setting the Azimuth: Information Age Leadership, Part 2

In this entry in my ongoing series of video blogs “Leadership in the Information Age,” I discuss what “Setting the Azimuth” looks like for leaders in today’s world. In the Information Age, having a strong intent is more powerful than ever. Leaders must constantly be reiterating the mission and driving the intent in order to … Read more

Information Age Leadership, Part 1

This video blog is Part One in a series on “Information Age Leadership.” Leaders looking to grow their organizations to a world-class level often ask me, “What’s changed that make the dynamics so challenging today?” The short answer? The Information Age is now dominant in our lives. Now that getting and sharing information is as … Read more

What is Values-Based Leadership?

Values-based leadership is a commitment to doing the right thing by making decisions and choices based on values. 1. Leaders “walk the talk” with… Integrity Personal Will Mentoring Balanced Perspective Humility Self-Reflection Servant Leadership 2. Teams reflect the example of the leadership. 3. Values are in the DNA of the organization. Values-based leadership can only … Read more

Taking Charge of Risk

In the US Army, we learned to rely upon a simple 5-Step Risk Assessment process that effectively identified and mitigated strategic, operational, and tactical risk. The process was incorporated into any planning process, from developing a live-fire training exercise, to deploying a force to the Balkans or the Middle East, to planning an attack to defeat an enemy. In the corporate world, we employ the same process every time we conduct strategic planning, open up a new branch of the company, acquire a new business, roll out a new product, stand up a new manufacturing center, open up a new delivery route, or take on a new customer. The process covers lots of ground. How does it work?

Killing Time Bandits

We can’t count the number of times a CEO has told us, “I’d implement a leadership development program and deliberate strategic planning system to provide focus, but I don’t have time…I’m too busy with daily crisis.”

But the truth is you can’t afford NOT to develop these foundational building blocks of a high performing culture. If you can’t figure out how to do it, your competition certainly will. In our world where business is all about change, culture trumps everything else. So what’s the answer?