The Big 6 Leadership Principles®

The Big 6 Leadership Principles® Level Five Associates developed The Big 6 Leadership Principles® back in 2009 when the company was first formed. The Big 6 came as a result of some intense conversations about what leadership lessons they had learned through the course of their lives– most of them the hard way. In other … Read more

Whose Culture Is It, Anyway?

We’ve often said, and truly believe, that culture does indeed trump everything else. It’s where your mission, intent, and shared values come to life. Far from a contemporary buzzword, culture is enduring – and a culture of excellence is extremely hard to establish, nurture, and grow. But it sure is worth the investment.

Giving Up the Keys

Just like parents watching one of our kids drive out of the driveway on that first date, we have to confront our fears and overcome them through trust. It takes courage to allow others to take the reins and make decisions, because they might fail. Something bad might happen. At the very least, the organization might underperform, and you could lose market share in the short run. But where would we be now had our parents not given us the keys for that first date?

Integrity is the glue that holds it all together…

An organization “in integrity” is transparent and in balance. This is a tall order and requires strong leadership, clarity of mission and intent, and a heavy dose of persistence. Integrity must be a stated value of every company and be woven into the very fabric of the culture. Team members, to include all leaders, must walk the talk with integrity, on and off the job, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Creating the Culture of Discipline

As we mentioned in our Opportunity is Calling article, the New Year brings new opportunity to make genuine resolutions you can keep. First, ask yourself: Does your company have a ‘culture of discipline’? Specifically, do you and your teammates do the right thing when no one is looking? Do you and your team gravitate towards … Read more

Changing Places

Why change? If you consider that 50% of Fortune 500 companies of thirty years ago no longer exist today, the answer seems obvious. Yet, many company owners and senior executives shudder at the thought…because change is messy, hard, and difficult. According to the Harvard Business Review, 75% of corporate change initiatives fail. Business Week cites the fact that 88% of CEOs report change is their “biggest challenge.”