Speaking Last and the Nominative Group Technique

You may have encountered this situation before: you’re in a meeting, and the team leader seems to be using it as an opportunity to remind everyone who is running things, dominating the conversation and setting the agenda without any consultation. Maybe you haven’t been part of a situation quite as severe as that, but it … Read more

The Three Perspectives of “You” – Leadership Journey of Discovery, Part 3

Consider your role and how others see you. In doing so, you will discover the three perspectives of “You”. You’ll find, too, that these three perspectives of “You” are directly involved in your ability to manage and lead. In the following video, I discuss these three Yous, and how each perspective may help, harm, and/or … Read more

Palm Tree or Fir Tree? What’s Your Decision Tree?

One of the hardest lessons I’ve learned as a leader is embodied in The Big Six® principle, “Trust and Empower.” It wasn’t that I didn’t want to empower others; yet, I always seemed to drift back into being more controlling. And, throughout my career, I had to continuously step back and try to see myself … Read more

Set the Azimuth

An azimuth is defined as an angular measurement between an observer and a point of interest. It’s a concept used in navigation, astronomy, engineering, mapping, mining, and artillery. In business, it can be seen as the measurement between where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow. An effective leader must decide that … Read more


One of the most important Big Six® principles is developing the practice of truly listening. Many of us have been raised to believe that the more you say, and the louder you say it, the better you at leading. However, in an environment where listening is subordinated to talking, initiative is stifled and good ideas … Read more

Trust and Empower

Team members in a high performing business want to be challenged, trusted, and treated with dignity and respect. It all boils down to building the right culture where folks are empowered to do what they do best without being micro-managed. Beware the urge to micromanage. There’s a significant difference between leading and micromanaging; that difference … Read more