Focused Listening: Leadership Journey of Discovery, Pt 5

Focused listening is a key component to being a Level Five leader. At today’s modern pace, often with the intention of multitasking, information can be lost. Conversations end up needing to be repeated. Meetings are held, but is everyone truly “present?” How do we address the concern that we aren’t actually hearing our fellow team … Read more

The Thin Ice of Friendship: Leadership Journey of Discovery, Part 4

Moving up the ladder of an organization can sometimes feel like you’re leaving others behind, especially if you’ve grown to become friends with your team members. If you are now in a leadership position over former equals, how do you remain objective? How do you avoid moving too far out on the “thin ice of … Read more

The Power of Repurposing

There are few strategic decisions in American history as profound as the one made by President Abraham Lincoln in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.  As Doris Kearns Goodwin writes in her thoughtful article in the latest edition of the Harvard Business Review, Lincoln was certain the timing was right for “the repurposing … Read more

The Three Perspectives of “You” – Leadership Journey of Discovery, Part 3

Consider your role and how others see you. In doing so, you will discover the three perspectives of “You”. You’ll find, too, that these three perspectives of “You” are directly involved in your ability to manage and lead. In the following video, I discuss these three Yous, and how each perspective may help, harm, and/or … Read more

Develop Your Team for Growth: Leadership Journey of Discovery, Part 1

Each of us, day to day, engage in a discovery process.  In order to develop your team for growth, be aware of your discovery process as a leader of leaders and adapt to it. To start, examine your role in your organization. Are you the only leader, the only person who provides direction or the … Read more