Disciplined Leadership: Begin Empowering Through Better Meetings

This is part of a series of blogs on the theme of ‘Disciplined Leadership.’ In the hybrid in-person/remote we currently live in, we are now expecting people to deliver results without them necessarily sitting around a table with us. It’s more important now than ever that we have a meeting discipline, which helps to empower … Read more

Disciplined Leadership: Low-Value Meetings Vs High-Value Meetings

This is part of a series of blogs on the theme of ‘Disciplined Leadership.’ Low-Value Meetings are caused by people not valuing one another’s time. These meetings are also indicators of a number of negative factors in your current culture. People often believe that if they can get everybody together in some forum at the … Read more

Team Anywhere

I was pleased to be a guest on “Team Anywhere,” a podcast that discusses team building, remote/hybrid leadership, and strategies for strengthening team relationships. The podcast is produced by the Simon Leadership Alliance, a leadership consultancy that focuses on digital and remote work. Here are some leadership concepts we discussed: Coping Vs Adapting Coping is … Read more

Disciplined Leadership: Tools For Your Toolbox During Times of Isolation

This is part of a series of blogs on the theme of ‘Disciplined Leadership.’ I’d like to share with you some questions I’ve received over the past few years. The answers may provide you with some “tools for your toolbox,” especially in times of isolation from other members of your team. It is all about … Read more